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Is my sore heel Plantar Fasciitis??

Is my sore heel Plantar Fasciitis??

I have a sore heel when I first walk in the morning? What have I done? Unfortunately, the most common pain under the foot at the heel is a condition called plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band that originates at your heel and travels under your foot to your toes. This band supports your arch of your foot and provides dynamic shock absorption. When this band is overstretched, there is microtearing commonly at the attachment to the heel leading to pain. The most common foot types that predispose people to this condition are either the flat...

Dec 05, 2016

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Getting fit without injury

Getting fit without injury

Time for me to get fit!How do I not get injured once I start?  At last spring is here and the cold dark days of winter are receding behind us. As the rays of sunlight arise earlier, the urge to get fit for summer often crosses our mind. However, the risk of sustaining an overuse injury is high if you rush headlong into training without a plan to increase your activity at a measured rate. None of us want to start exercising (whether running, swimming or gym) and suddenly develop an injury like tendinitis/tendinopathy, muscle strain, stress fracture or bursitis....

Sep 05, 2016

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How to stretch!

How to stretch!

Why Stretch? Every knows that stretching is good for you, but most people seem to ask what is the best way. A general stretching program to help with your flexibility is commonly what people want. If you are looking for a stretching program after an injury, it is important that you are properly assessed by your physiotherapist to ensure you are helping not hindering your injury. Facts on Stretching: How long do it hold? At least 30 seconds How many times do I repeat the stretch? At least once How often should I stretch? At least once per day What...

May 09, 2016

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