What is Electromuscular Stimulation (EMS)??
What is EMS? We often get asked ...What exactly is EMS and what is it used for?? Here is our brief summary of Electromuscular Stimulation (or EMS) and how it may help you. EMS has been used widely to treat muscular injuries. It works by sending electronic pulses to the muscle needing treatment. We often use the EMS in the clinic to facilitate muscle activation of weakened muscles and suggest patients have this machine at home to speed up their recovery. EMS is useful for Relaxation of muscle spasms Prevention or limiting of atrophy through disuse Increase local blood circulation...
- Tags: back pain, Electromuscularstimulation, EMS, kneeinjury, neck pain relief, Neck pain treatment, sports injury recovery, sportsinjuryrecovery, TENS
Wry Neck - a Pain in the Neck
You’ve woken up with a stiff, sore, tilted neck. What should you do? We’ve all had it. You wake up one morning and you can’t move your neck. This condition is called wry neck and can make it very difficult to work and do the activities you enjoy. But what is it, and what can you do about it? Symptoms of Wry Neck Loss of movement: you may be unable to turn your neck a certain way due to pain or stiffness. The neck may be held in a slightly bent position away from the side of pain Localised...